Sunday, November 16, 2008
Diabetes In Children
Come November 14, the International Diabetes Federation and WHO together with United Nation will commemorate World Diabetes Day ( 2 Day ago). A two-year (2007 and 2008) focus on children hopes to raise awareness of the warning signs of diabetes and to promote healthy lifestyles to help prevent type 2 diabetes in children.
With huge increase in the number of children developing diabetes, chances are yu may know an affected family. Here are some of the signs of diabetes to look out :
>Frequent urination
>Excessive thirst
>Increased hunger
>Weight loss
>Lack of interest and concentration
>Blurred vision
>Vomiting and stomach pain (often mistaken as the flu)
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Mood changes reflect 'growing pains' of changing your life
In fact, many remark that when they quit they "just don't feel like themselves." Some people believe that they become a "mean person" when they quit, or that their whole personality is altered. In many cases, this is symptomatic of the change process itself.
Before you ever started using tobacco, it felt "normal" not to smoke. Once you started to smoke on a regular basis, you began to identify with being a smoker. Over time, you got used to the behaviors and attitudes that surround it — both your own and those of the world around you.
After using tobacco for an extended period of time, it may now feel like it is a part of who you are. So it is not uncommon when quitting to not "feel like yourself" for a while. But with time you will gradually begin to feel "normal" again as a non-smoker.
Changes in mood can be a symptom of withdrawal. These symptoms may include irritability, anxiousness, frustration, nervousness, anger and depression. Some of these symptoms can be offset by proper use of medications to help you quit.
However, there is still the emotional attachment to the cigarette that needs to be acknowledged and addressed. You may experience feelings of fear, resentment, anger, and even grief from the loss. These are normal responses to making a change of this magnitude, to giving up that "old friend."
I want to emphasize that these mood fluctuations are temporary and are a result of your changing life. They are not personality characteristics or in any way a permanent condition. It is important to be aware of the potential for these ups and downs and realize that they are transitional — this is just a part of the "growing pains" of change.
It is also important to prepare ways to manage this emotional ebb and flow when interacting with others. One approach is to let people know in advance that you are quitting and how they can support you. It can also help to structure time alone during the first phase of quitting or plan to be away from typical stressors that could exacerbate a bad mood. Getting a few days or weeks of quitting "under your belt" before taking on tasks or situations you know could negatively impact your temper can be effective in avoiding relapse.
What are some of the feelings you have when quitting or even just thinking about giving up tobacco? When you've gone through other challenging periods in your life, how have you managed the mood changes? How do you get "re-centered" and put yourself into a better frame of mind when you are riding an emotional roller coaster? If this is something you haven't developed yet, consider seeking help in finding effective strategies to manage your mood during tough times. Think about ways that you can apply new strategies or helpful skills from the past to quitting smoking now.
Here is some tips to help you stop smoking [click here]
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
I'm Stuck in a Yo-Yo Nightmare! What Can I Do?
First of all, learn to find JOY in the process of becoming and staying healthy. While nothing in this life is truly perfect or permanent, there is a way to manage and maintain your weight. That’s what you want to aim for, a stable and healthy weight.
How? BALANCE! Aim to eat only as many calories as you use up in living. Learn to eat just the right amount of food (moderation is the key), from all six food groups every day. Learn and practice being physically active every day. In other words: eat for nourishment, mainly, and get your pleasure from life in all of its vast variety.
This is all accomplished slowly, over time, with HELP! Help from others who have done it, who care about you and will cheer you on, and most importantly, divine help from God (or whatever you call your Higher Power).
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Blood test can gauge prostate cancer risk
Compared to having none of these genetic variants, researchers write in the New England Journal of Medicine, having four increases the risk of developing prostate cancer by 400 to 500 percent. Family history is added to the equation to make six risk factors. Having at least five of six factors increases the baseline risk by more than 900 percent.
"Our finding provides an opportunity to supplement the well-established risk factors (age, race, and family history) by looking at inherited variants," says seniors researcher Dr. Jianfeng Xu of Wake Forest University School of Medicine, in North Carolina. And being aware of the cumulative effect of these genetic variants, say Xu, "could substantially improve physicians' ability to assess risk and determine the need for more aggressive screening."
The prostate is walnut-sized gland located just below the bladder in men. The prostate keeps urine and semen flowing in the proper direction, and produces a component of semen called prostatic fluid.
Saturday, September 13, 2008
Avoid these calcium robbers
Salt may adverse effect on calcium metabolism in the body. This can lead to bone loss. When the amount of sodium in the body goes up, more calcium is excreted from body to maintain a sodium-calcium balance.
Cereals and pulses contain phytates, phosphorus compounds, which bind calcium and reduce its bioavailability. Though generally safe, if you think that your intake of cereals may lead to loss of bone health, ask your nutritionist or orthopedic to guide you.
Friday, September 12, 2008
Many people assume that decaffeinated coffee and tea is somehow healthier- and there have been suggested links between caffeine and heart palpitations and pancreatic cancer. But there's growing list of ways that it might actually be good for you.
Several studies have flagged coffee as combating or delaying the development of Parkinson's disease in men.
It's most likely the caffeine that's doing it, says Dr. Kieran Breen, director of research for the Parkinson's Disease Society in the UK; perhaps it stimulates nerve cells' production of dopamine to counteract the disease's symptoms, or it may actually be protecting the nerve cells.
Some studies have suggested the caffeine can help prevent gallstones, though there's no consensus yet. A Japanese study found that middle-aged and older people drinking cofee daily had half rate of common liver cancer.
Also, as a pick-me-up, caffeine doesn't just affect mood - there's evidence it can enhance the performance of athletes.
It has been suggested that caffeine is harmful to those with diabetes or hypertension, though doctors simply advice sufferers to drink it in moderation and the Blood Pressure Association in the UK says cutting out caffeine does not have a major impact on blood pressure.
A cleansing and detoxification program is a series of steps taken in order to actively enchance the elimination of toxic wastes from your body that creating, or have the potential to create bothersome symptoms and disease. An exceptional cleansing and detoxification program that greatly improve your health, requires the ingestion of higher quality nutrient. These nutrients include vitamins, minerals, amino acids, protein, carbohydrates, fats and water. Quiet activities such as prayer, meditation or slow diaphragmatic breathing are equally as important a successful detoxification program.
Types of detox.
Skin Brushing:
It facilitates the skin cleansing by stimulating the lymphatic system which eliminate toxins through the skin. Lymphatic system is the part of the body responsible for cleansing soft tissue found just under the skin.
*Use a long handled natural bristle brush, or a loofah sponge.
*Begin at the base of your teeth and brush in small circles from the legs towards the chest, palms of the hands towards to chest and then back forward the abdomen. Use light pressure. End with the scalp.
*Avoid the face, breast and other sensitive areas.
*Skin brushing can be done either in the morning or evening shower. It takes only 5-10 minutes.
*The circular brushing promotes a clearer lymphatic pathway. It rejuvenates dull, lifeless skin and gives a healthy glow.
*Combine in a bath with one cup of Epsom salts and 1 to 2 tablespoons of an essential oil, such as lemon, jojoba, rosemary or olive. These stimulating properties naturally draw toxins through the pores of the skin efficiently.
*Or, combine 1/2 cup oatmeal, 1 tablespoon cornmeal and several drop almond oil with enough milk to form a paste. Then apply by hand to the entire body (not the face) with gentle and circular motions. Rinse and brush the skin using loofah or sponge. This help exfoliate the skin which indirectly increase respiration and removes toxins.
This therapeutic bathing uses normal tap water, natural thermal or mineral water. A special built baths contain more than 200 individual jets aimed at various parts of the body. Aromatic essential oils, mineral salts or dried seaweed are added to the water enhance a more therapeutic affect.
*Soothe sore muscles and calm mind
*Ease dry or oily, inflamed or itchy
*Help patients suffering from rheumatic condition or arthritis.
*Increase lymphatic drainage.
*Improved blood circulation
*Lowered blood pressure.
*Improved muscle tone
*Increase flexibility.
*Relief from emotional stresses and mental fatigue.
*Stimulate activity in the liver and kidneys.
For your body's regenerative system to work, toxin must be flushed out and drinking eight glasses of a water a day won't do it alone. To purify your system, try fruit in the morning and vegetables juices in the afternoon along with your normal diet, And remember to stay away from salty food, sugar, alcohol and caffeine.
Go green:
Say no to snacks and head for food which are high in water content such as cucumber, celery, lettuce and kale. Avoid alcohol, excessive caffeine, red meat and dairy product and always remember to keep up your water intake. No more instant noodles or hamburgers, but it's best to stick to foods low in fat and high in nutrients.
-Try these:
*Grapefruits (increase metabolic stimulants)
*Grape (high in potassium-essential maintaining normal kidney function)
*Cantaloupes (High in digestive enzymes)
*Bananas and avocados (maintain blood sugar)
Thursday, September 11, 2008
How it works : Sunburn
Know your back pain.
1. Inactivity and stress
Being unfit and under stress sets the stage for back pain. Weak, stiff muscles can't bounce back when they're hit with stress: Instead they go into a spasm. Constant, unrelieved stress will take its toll somewhere in the body-usually your back
2. Muscle spasm
One day, 'for no reason at all', you feel a jabbing pain in the back-this is a muscles spasm. Your bcak muscles contract suddenly - and painfully- like a Charley horse. A spasm is your body's natural splinting reaction to prevent more damage to your back.
3. Muscle can't breathe
A spasm chokes off circulation to your knotted muscles and cuts off the supply of oxygen-rich blood. Pain increases because the muscle can't take in oxygen to work smoothly, and because lactic acid and other waste products build up in the muscle.
4. Stiff muscle
Weeks of pain and inactivity lead to stiff, shortened muscles. Your spine is locked in place and can no longer move freely- and neither can you. When your back muscles can no longer protect the joints in your spine, the joints may degenerate quickly.
5.Bone and disk disease
Ignoring pain and stiffness set the stage for permanent back damage. If you have a degenerative disease of the vertebrae (the bones of your spine) and disks (the cushions between the bones), your doctor may recommend surgery. Always consult a doctor if you have back pain.
6. Bed rest and worry
Inactivity only prongs the pain cycle, whether you're resting in bed after back surgery or relying on pain medications for relief. If you're flat on your back, your muscles get weaker and stiffer, worry and stress increase, and the cycle repeats itself.
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
So you are 70s?
Who said when you are 70s you can have sex? But most of people have choose to not having sex when they are getting older. A five-year study, published in the American Journal of Medicine, of 989 men aged 55-75 in Pirkanmaa, Finland, showed that having sexual intercourse less than once per week doubled the risk of erectile dysfunction, compared to having sex once per week.
Although there are plenty of studies about sexual problem associated with old age, there is relatively little research about normal sexual behaviour later in life. More couples over 70 are having sex and finding it satisfying than in previous generations, a British Medical Journal survey suggests.
Swedish researchers asked 1500 older people across a 30-year period about their sex lives. The number of people saying they had sex increased - as did the number of women reporting having orgasms.
The scientist from the University of Gothenburg in Sweden interviewed 70-year-olds in 1971-2, 1976-7, 1992-3 and 2000-2001. They found that the number of 70-year-olds reporting sexual intercourse rose in men and women married and unmarried say:
More than two-third- 68%- of married men in the most recent survey said they had sex, an increase from 52%, while the percentage of married women having sex rose from 38% to 56%. The number of men reporting physical problems, such as erectile dysfunction or ejaculation dysfunction increased. The number of women who said they were highly satisfied with their sex lives rose too.
When sexual intercourse stopped, both men and women tended to blame men, in line with the finding from earlier surveys. Professor Peggy Kleinplatz, from the University of Ottawa, said that doctors should now trained to ask all patients-regardless of their age- about any sexual concerns.She said: "Sex is an important and positive part of the lives of their 70-year-olds participants, and more so for the current cohort of men and women than for their predecessors in 1971."
So, for those who are 70s and think that sex is not suit for you, think about it again. If you have doubt about it, i suggest you to see your doctor. :-). Have a meaningful life.
She said: "Sex is an important and positive part of the lives of their 70-year-old participants, and more so for the current cohort of men and women than for their predecessors in 1971."
Beauties sleep
*Exercise every day. Even 20 minutes of walking can help keep stress hormones from interfering with your sleep
*Avoid large meals just before bedtime. An inactive digestive system can disrupt sleep.
*Minimize light, noise and temperature extremes. Your bedroom should be comfortably cool, about 69 degrees.
*Don't read, watch television or work in bed. Use the bed only to sleep. This helps you prevent from developing sleep disorders.
*Avoid caffeine, nicotine or other stimulants within four hour of bedtime.
Thursday, September 4, 2008
Eating While At Work?
*Watch what you eat.
For lunch, you want to pick a meal that's moderate in size but doesn't fill you up.
*Bring your lunch.
Avoid takeout lunches, which tend to be expensive, oversize, heavy in fat and calories and lacking in nutrients.
*Walk when you can.
Walk to the water cooler, from the farthest spot in the parking lot, to the copy machine -anyhting you can do to move your muscles.
*Don't make it a habit.
If you can, try as much to keep yourself away from your desk during lunch hours.
A killer migraine
Who's at risk?
Early research suggested that BTM was most common in adolescent females. More recent statistical analysis has shown that BTM affects all age groups and both male and female. However, BTM, like other forms of migraine, is more common in females. The are approximately three times as many female sufferers as male.
The symptoms of BTM is usually occur suddenly and can be associated with inability to speak properly, ringing in he ears, and vomiting. This called the aura phase, where sufferers experience perceptual disturbances. This phase usually last for an hour and can be frightening due to the dizziness and loss of control.
Other symptoms:
-Double vision
-Loss of balance
-Loss of consciousness
-Intense headache pain
-Slurred speech
-Temporary loss of vision.
What cause and triggers BTM?
Previously, it was thought that BTM started in the basilar artery (one of the arteries supplying the brain with blood). Now, researchers are looking more at neural cases (the chemicals sending messages throughout the brain) but like other migraines, the specifics of what is taking place are still somewhat of a mystery.
Cheese and wine are common food triggers, as well as food additives such as nitrites (mainly found in processed meats). It can be helpful to keep a food dairy and note the foods you eat to identity triggers.
Treatment option
Unfortunately, rare disease do not always receive much interest and research and BTM is a rare disease. Treatment is similar treatment to other migranes.
Medications include beta-blockers , anti-epileptics, calciums channels blockers, anti-depressants, pr over-the counter drugs such as acetaminophen (paracetamol)
Advice for sufferers
1-Lie down in a dark, quiet room during the aura phase. You can also try placing a cold damp cloth over your forehead to soothe the throbbing head pain.
2-Avoid or limit your alcohol intake as BTM can be worsened by consumption of alcohol.
3-Cigarette use or oral contraception alongside BTM can put you at an increased risk for stroke so it's good idea to stop both if you are a sufferer.
How can you be treated?
1-Biofeedback is one of the alternative treatments suggested for BTM. It measures internal processes in the body to allow you to actively heal yourself. Evidence is still largely sketchy but it may be worth trying if you're looking for help.
2-Always seek medical advice. Doctors are concerned about BTM because symptoms are the same as serious conditions. There is also concern that those with BTM may be at increased risk of stroke. Frequent and intense basilar migraines may require consultation with a neurologist.
However, BTM is rare, and even if you get the symptoms, don't panic. But make sure you see a doctor immediately to make sure you're keeping you risk as low as possible.
Wake up muscles
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
Alzheimer's Disease
Alzheimer's disease is a degenerative and terminal disease that destroys brain cells and is the leading cause of dementia (affecting an estimated 24 million people worldwide.) It affects approximately one in eight people over the age of 65. The term 'dementia' describes a group of symptoms that are caused by changes in brain function. Dementia symptoms may include asking the same questions repeatedly, becoming lost in familiar places, being unable to follow directions, getting disoriented about time, people and places and neglecting personal safety, hygiene and nutrition.
Who always affected by this disease?
In most common form, Alzheimer's affects mostly people over the age of 60.
What is the effect of this disease?
The disease last between 5 to 20 years, during which the number and severity of memory loss is usually the first symptom. This is often followed by mood swings, general confusion and anger, and more long-term memory loss. The patient will gradually lose minor and major bodily function, and this will result in their eventual death.
Progress of Alzheimer:
-Early dementia
-Moderate dementia
10 warning signs of Alzheimer's:
1.) Memory loss. Forgetting recent events or information one of the most common early sign of dementia.
2.) Difficulty performing familiar tasks. AD patients may forget the steps to task that they perform every day.
3.) Problems with language. People with AD will often forget or confuse simple words. For example, they may want to ask for a hairbrush, and say "Where's that thing for my hair?"
4.) Disorientation regarding time and place. People with AD can become lost in their own neighborhoods, forget where they are and how they got there, and not know how to get home.
5.) Poor judgment. AD patients may sometimes dress inappropriately, wearing a sweater on warm day or very little clothing in the cold.
6.) Problems with abstract thinking. An Alzheimer's patient may have unusual difficulty performing complex mental tasks, like addition and subtraction.
7.) Misplacing things. AD patients may out things in unusual places: an iron in the freezer or a wristwatch in the sugar bowl.
8.) Mood swings. Someone with Alzheimer's disease may show change in mood or behavior - from calm to tears to anger - for no apparent reason.
9.) Drastic changes in personality. The personalities of people with dementia can change dramatically. They may become extremely confused, suspicious, fearful or dependent on a family member.
10.) Apathy. A person with AD may become extremely passive, sitting in front of TV for hours, sleeping more than usual or not wanting to do usual activities.
Taking care of AD patients.
This task usually fall to immediate family and or spouses. This can take a great toll on the physical and emotional health of the caregiver themselves.
How much you spend?
Friday, August 29, 2008
Stay focus
1.) Remember all the hard work you have put in to achieve your weight loss goal.
2.) Do not keep any of your fat clothes - you will never need them again.
3.) Make a list of all the positive change in your life since you loss the weight -i.e more energy to play with the children, shopping is no longer chore, more self-confidence.
4.) If need be, ask other (family, friend, children) what positive changes they have notified in you.
5.) Your new healthy habit benefit your family.
6.) Don't live like a monk. Enjoy yourself but aware of what you are eating and do it in moderation.
7. Exercise isn't just about losing weight, it has a number of all-round health benefits.
8.) Joining group activities like netball or football will keep you motivated and enable you to meet new people.
9.) By having a higher muscle content, your body will burn more calories even at rest. Remember you don't have to join gym -shopping, housework, gardening, dancing and walking are all forms of exercise.
Diet myths debunked
It's easy to believe that all salads are healthy but this is not actually the case. Some salads contain fatty ingredients and could, in some cases, contain more calories than a steak and fries.
High fat ingredients include croutons, crispy bacon, mayonnaise and oily dressings - these don't really add any vitamins and minerals, they all considerably boost the calories, fat and salt content of the dish.
Cheese and nuts contain more nutrients, but they can still add a lot of calories when mixed in a salad.
Organic food isn't automatically the healthier option as the term 'organic' refers to the farming methods used to produce the food - not it's nutrient contain. Therefore, organic food might be better for environment but eating more of it doesn't necessarily mean you'll have a lower calorie diet.
Organic biscuits, chocolate and cakes contain on average just as much fat, sugar and salts as their non-organic counterparts - and it's often harder to find the 'healthier' alternatives in organic ranges.
However, products such as organic fruit won't have been sprayed with insecticides and animals raised for organic meat won't in most cases have been fed antibiotics.
This myth is certainly true as long as you have a 'grill-up' and not a 'fry-up'
If you grill lean bacon, peach and eggs and include baked beans, grilled tomatoes and mushrooms (not cooked in oil/fat), this meal can then easily be healthy and balanced.
Maintaining your new healthy weight.
Achieving your weight goal is, for many, like winning the battle but not necessarily the war.
Remember, it is important to maintain your new slimmer, healthier body for the long run.
Monday, August 18, 2008
what will you do
Here is the rules:
-You cannot donate the money.
-The cannot own any material thing that you buy with that money.
-You cannot burn it or throw it in the dustbin , you must use it.
Friday, August 15, 2008
Double your crunch
Strong abdominal muscles help support your body's core or trunk, from which all movement originates. So, if you're strong there, you'll able to transfer this potential to both your upper (shoulder and arms) and lower (hips and legs) extremities. Most importantly, if you have strong abdominals, you'll reduce your risk of back injuries, most of which occur everyday activities. Think of the abdominal muscles as the glue that holds your upper and lower body together.
The double crunch -so-called because you're lifting your upper body at the same time as you hold your hips in an unsupported position - is an exercise you can do to gain and maintain a firm and powerful core. Here's how
1. Lie on your back with your knee and feet flat on the floor. Tilt your pelvis until lower back is close to the floor, lift one foot at a time until both knees are bent at 90 degree and positioned directly above your hips. You should feel your abs holding your hips stable in this position.
2. Lift your head and shoulders and bring your rib cage towards your hips. Visualize pulling your navel in towards your spine as you exhale.
3. Breath in as you lower your head and shoulders and release the abdominals below the navel. Perform one set of ten to 15 repetition slowly, emphasising the correct breath in pattern. Let your breathing set the pace. You can do work on your abs daily because they make up a fairly large muscle group and are a tough area to train
Sneaky sign of diabetes
Bad breath
(A smell like nail polish remover). Excess sugar in saliva prompts bacteria growth, which help create foul-smelling gases.
Swollen gums
Increased bacteria can lead to inflammation and bleeding.
Blurred vision
Sugar in the lens of the eye makes it swell and refract light improperly.
Frequent thirst
In an effort to eliminate sugar, the body demands plenty of fluids.
If you have two or more symptoms, and any other risk factors (being over age 40 or overweight; having a family history of diabetest; having high blood pressure or cholesterol), see your doctor.
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Think quick: Smile more
"Racing thoughts" are commonly considered a symptom of bipolar disorder or maniac depression but study at Priceton University in New Jersey has found that when healthy people are made to think more quickly, they feel happier.
Researchers asked a group of people to read a statement twice as fast as they normally would from a computer screen. (They manipulated the speed of the words scrolled into view.) They then asked another group to read the same information but twice as slowly as they normally would. The participant then completed a questionnaire, assessing their mood, energy level and self-esteem.
It was discovered that when reading at a faster pace, people were made to think more quickly and felt happier as a result. In fact, they also felt more energetic, creative and powerful.
When to get serious about snoring
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Human Body
Brain: Carrot, broccoli, fish and vegetables high in antioxidants.
Eyes: A variety of food rich in vitamins C, E and luitein (kale, collard greens, citrus fruits, rockmelon)
Lung: Food high in beta carotene (mangoes, carrots, pumpkin, spinach, red peppers)
Heart: Fruit, vegetables, grains, fat free and low-fat foods, fish, lean meat, legumes.
Bones:Dairy product, dark green leafty vegetables, almonds, sesame or sunflower seeds.
Skin: Again, those beta-carotene-rich foods.
Colon: High-fiber foods (oats, fruits, vegetables)
Can pregnant mum fly?
Guidelines state that exposure to 1 milisievert (mSv) of radiation a year is save (in addition to the 3 mSv we get yearly from background sources). On a 12-hour return flight from Singapore to Tokyo, passengers get just 0.06 mSv.
Women may want to postpone flight in the rare case of a solar flare- a student burst that occurs every few years and may last several days. At their peak, they can expose a traveler to more than 30 times the amount of radiation she'd get in a single flight. If you're worried about a solar flare, you airline may know if one is occurring.
Frequent flier, of course may be at higher risk. For casual travelers, while there may be other health reasons your doctor doesn't want you to fly (hypertension, for example), don't let cosmic radiation make you miss a trip.
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
Burn fat by eating chocolate
Healthier ways to BBQ
Scrape off any charred portion, which contain many of the chemicals believed to lead to cancer.
Keep the temperature lower to lessen the smoke and flames that reach the food and raise the barbecue racks.
Flip with top or spatula- a fork pierces food, releasing juice and fat that lead to flare-ups.
Choose skinless chicken and fish. They don't appear to raise cancer risk.
Microwave meat before barbecuing to reduce time over the charcoal and use an oil-free marinade to hinder the formation of cancer-causing chemicals
Make kebabs with fruits and vegetables, which don't form harmful chemicals when flame-cooked.
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
DASH Eating Plan
Thursday, July 31, 2008
Ten tips for eating well without having to diet
1. Eat for pleasure and good health, not for weight loss.
2. Start the day with oats and you won't be hungry for hours.
3. Eat more fish, chicken, vegetables and salads, and less red meat, pork, pasta, pastry and potatoes.
4. Use a plastic squeeze bottle for olive oil and sauces- it helps you use less.
5. Use yogurt instead of cream.
6. Snack on fruit and nuts instead of chocolate and crisps.
7. Steam instead of grill, grill instead of roast, roast instead of fry, shallow-fry instead of deep-fry.
8. Eat crabs like pasta and potatoes for lunch instead of in the evening.
9. Drink better, drink less, and drink only with the evening meal.
10. If you really want something, enjoy it without guilty, then lighten up the next day.
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
5 best food for men and women
Food for Men
1. Tomato sauce
Men who eat a lot of tomatoes. tomato sauce, or pizza smothered with the stuff may be giving themselves a hedge against prostate cancer. So say researchers at Harvard University, who studied the eating habit more than 47,000 male health professionals. They found that men who ate tomato sauce two to four time per week had a 35 percent lower risk of developing prostate cancer than men who ate none. A carotenoid called lycopene, which tomatoes contain in abundance, appeared to be responsible. But scientists were puzzled: tomato juice didn't seem to have a protective effect. Other research showed why. For best absorption, lycopene should be cooked with some kind of fat. So pizza may be just what doctor ordered.
2. Oysters
Myth has it that oysters are the food of love. Science may agree. Just two to three oyster deliver a fully day's supply zinc, a mineral critical for normal functioning of the male reproductive system. Scientists are divided over reports that sperm counts have declined over the last 50 years and that environmental factors are to blame. Nutritional deficiencies cases of low testosterone. Getting adequate zinc is sometimes the answer (up to 15 milligrams per day recommended for men; more than 40 milligrams can pose risks.) In one trial 22 men with low testosterone levels and sperm counts were given zink everyday for 45 to 50 days. Testosterone level and sperm counts rose.
3. Broccoli
A recent Harvard study find that cruciferous vegetables, like broccoli, may protect againts bladder cancer, which is common among Asian men. Scientists analysed the diet of nearly 50,000 men and discovered that those who ate five serving or more perweek of cruciferous veggies were half as likely to develop bladder cancer over a ten-year period as menwho rarely ate them. And broccoliand cabbage were singled out as the most protective food.
4. Peanut butter
If you want a healthy heart, spread your morning toast with peanut butter. Heart disease is the leading killer of men and women, but men fall victim at an earlier age. Researchers from Pennsylvanian State University compared the cholesterol lowering effect of the Step II Diet of the American Heart Association. (AHA) with a higher fat diet based on peanuts, The AHA plan included more carbohydrates. The peanut regimen was 36 percent fat. After 24 days both diets lowered "bad" LDL cholesterol. But the peanut plan also caused a drop in blood fats called triglycerides and did not decrease HDL, the "good" cholesterol. The AHA diet raised level of triglycerides and lowered level of HDL. "Peanut butter is a little higher in fat," say Penny Kris-Etherton, the lead author of the study. "But it's the type that's good for you- monounsaturated fat." Researchers have predicted that the peanut diet could reduce heart-disease risk even more than the AHA diet could. Just don't go nutty plastering on the tasty spread, since it is high in kilo joules.
5. Watermelon
Until the age of 55, more men suffer from high blood pressure than do women. Research suggests that foods rich in potassium can reduce the risk of high blood pressure and stroke. The evidence is so convincing that the US Food and Drug Administration recently allowed food labels to bear a health claim about the connection between potassium-rich foods and blood pressure.
"A good goal for potassium is about 2000 milligram or more a day, " says Antigone Blazos, a lecturer at the Asia Pacific Health and Nutrition Centre in Melbourne, Australia. Watermelon is rich source of this mineral and has more potassium- 664 milligrams - in just one larges lice than the amount found in a banana or glass of orange juice. So cut yourself another slice and enjoy its cool taste.
Food for women.
1. Papaya
This fruit packs about twice the vitamin C of an orange. Add it to your arsenal against gallbladder disease, which afflict twice as many women as men. After analyzing the blood of over 13,000 people, scientist from the University of California, San Francisco found that women who had lower level of vitamin C were more likely to have gallbladder illnesses.
One medium papaya (about 280 grams), with 188 milligrams of C and a mere 500 kilojoules, is refreshing source of the vitamin. Best of all, it's probably growing in you garden.
2. Flaxseed
Bakers use this nutty-flavored seed mainly to add flavors and fiber. But scientist see the tiny reddish-brown seed, rich in estrogen-like compounds called lignans, as a potential weapon against breast cancer. An exciting report at last year's San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium showed that adding flaxseed to the diet of women with breast cancer effectively slowed tumor growth. You can flavour your muffins with flaxseed, but the easiest way to get the beneficial lignans is to sprinkle a few tablespoons of ground flaxseed on your morning cereal. Look for the seed in health food shop. They're easy to grind in a blender or coffee grinder. But get seed- there are no lignans in the oil.
3. Tofu
Food high in soya protien can lower cholesterol and may minimize menopausal hot flushes and strengthen bone. Isoflavones, plant chemicals in soyabeands that have a structure similar to estrogen, may be the reason. Though animal studies from bulk of the evidence, a human study found that 90 milligrams of isoflavones was beneficial to bone (specifically the spine). And two other studies suggest that 50 to 76 milligrams of isoflavones a day may offer some relief from hot flushes. Half a cup tofu contains about 25 to 35 milligrams of isoflavones.
4. Pork
Due largely to menstruation, women tend to be more anemic than men. And low iron level in blood can cause fatigue. To get a good dose of iron, try pork. It has what every diet-conscious woman wants- lot of iron and fat can be easily removed, compared to most cuts of meat. According to most cut Information Center in Singapore, a palm-size pork steak has about 1.4 milligram of iron. Best of all, say Dr. Mark Wahlqvist, president of the International Union of Nutrition Sciences, eating a small amount of pork with meal increases the absorption of iron from accompanying vegetables and cereals.
5. Cabbage
This humble vegetable may help fight osteoporosis, which affect many women late in life. In addition to getting adequate amounts of calcium and vitamin D, some studies suggest that vitamin K may have a bone-protective effect as well.
Based on data from one of the largest studies of women, the Nurses' Health Study, researchers discovered that women who ate enough vitamin K-rich foods (at least 109 micro grams of the vitamin daily) were 30 per cent less likely to suffer a hip fracture during ten years of follow-up than women who ate less. Researchers point out that dark-green leafy vegetables- brussels sprouts, spinach, broccoli- are all good source of the vitamin. But cabbage is among the best.
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Do you think that you dont have hypertension?
Blood pressure is force of blood pushing against blood vessel walls. The heart pump blood into the arteries (blood vessels), which carry the blood throughout the body. Hypertension, or high blood pressure, is dangerous because it makes the heart work harder to pump blood to the body and its contributes to hardening of the arteries or atherosclerosis. There are several categories of blood pressure:
Normal: Less than 120/80
Prehypertension: 120-139/80-89
Stage 1 hypertension: 140-159/90-99
Stage 2 hypertension: 160 and above/100 and above
Primary hypertension or stage 1 has no specific origin but strongly associated with lifestyle. It responsible for 90 to 95 percent of diagnosed hypertension and is treated with stress management, changes in diet, increased physical, and meditation (if needed). Secondary hypertension is responsible for 5 to 10 percent of diagnosed hypertension. It is caused by preexisting medical condition such as congestive heart failure (major cause of stroke), can damage the coronary arteries, the brain, the kidney, and the eyes.
What causes hypertension?
The exact causes of hypertension are not known. Several factors and condition may play a role in its development including:
-Obesity or overweight
-Lack of physical activity
-Too much salt in the diet
-Too much alcohol consumption
-Older age
-Family history of high blood pressure
-Chronic kidney disease
-Adrenal and thyroid disorders
What are the symptoms of hypertension?
There are usually no symptoms or sign of hypertension. In fact, nearly one-third of those who have it don't know it. The only way to know if you have hypertension definitely is to have your blood pressure checked.
If your blood pressure is extremely high, there may be certain symptoms to look out for, including:
-Severe headache
-Fatigue of confusion
-Vision problems
-Chest pain
-Difficulty breathing
-Irregular heartbeat
-Blood in the urine
Who is more likely to develop hypertension?
-People with family member who have high blood pressure
-People who smoke
-Women who are pregnant
-Women who take birth control pills
-People over the age of 35
-People who are overweight or obese
-People who are not active
-People who drink alcohol excessively
-People who eat too many fatty foods or foods with too much salt
How is hypertension diagnosed?
Your health care provider can tell if you have hypertension by checking your blood pressure with a special meter called a sphygmomanometer, which consists of a stethoscope, arm cuff, dial, pump, and valve. You can also measure your own blood pressure at home. You should have blood pressure checked at least once a year to make sure you don't have hypertension.
What health problem are associated with hypertension?
As we have mention earlier, hypertension is a serious condition that can damage the heart and blood vessels, and can eventually lead to several other condition;
-Heart failure
-Heart attack
-Kidney failure
-Vision problem
How is hypertension treated?
Sodium intake has been primary target for hypertension control, though it is ranked fourth as the lifestyle factor associated for hypertension. About 50 percent of individuals appear to be "sodium sensitive" and this means that excessive sodium intake tends to increase blood pressure in these groups of people, and they do not appear to excrete amount of salt via the kidneys. Sodium-sensitive individuals include the elderly, obese individuals, and African Americans. The Dietary Guidelines for Americans recommend that adults consume no more than 2400 milligram of sodium daily.
Hypertension also can be treated by making changes in our lifestyle, and with drug therapy. Lifestyle change include losing weight, stopping smoking, eating a healthy diet (such as the DASH diet, which includes lowering sodium but including daily serving of fruit, vegetable, and whole grain foods), and getting enough exercise, especially aerobic exercise.
Several types of drugs are available to treat hypertension, including ACE inhibitors, angiotensin receptor blockers (ARBs), diuretics, beta-blockers and calcium channel blockers.
Thursday, July 17, 2008
High cholesterol prevention
Step 1 (Know Your Numbers) :
Beginning at age 40, get your cholesterol levels checked every year. A simple blood test is all that is required, and results are generally available within a week.
Step 2 (What Not to Eat):
The No. 1 foods to avoid? "Anything that is deep-fried," says nutrition director Marlene Lesson, M.S., R.D. "Also, foods containing hydrogenated or partially hydrogenated oils are the enemy. These include margarine, pastries, packaged cookies, crackers, potato chips and other snack foods." Other foods to give up include cheese and other dairy products, poultry skin (remove it before eating the meat), and red meat other than top round and edge of round.
Step 3 (Dig In!):
Certain foods can help with cholesterol management. Increase your intake of soy products such as tofu, soy milk, soy protein powder and soy/veggie burgers. Other items for your shopping list:
* Fruits
* Vegetables
* Lentils and dried beans
* Fish with omega-3 oils such as salmon, sardines or mackerel
* Flaxseed
* Oatmeal
* Olive oil
Step 4 (Get Movin'):
Physical activity can greatly affect your cholesterol levels. By exercising, you raise your metabolism and burn calories, losing fat weight. Exercise, while lowering total cholesterol, also increases the good HDL cholesterol, which helps prevent plaque from forming on the walls of the arteries.
Step 5 (Chill Out):
Fatigue, anger and distress can raise your body's adrenaline levels, causing cholesterol to rise. Practice relaxation and stress-reduction techniques such as meditation or breathing exercises. Guided imagery -- visualizing positive situations and beautiful scenes (try focusing on a loved one or even a favorite pet) -- has also been found to control stress.
Step 6 (Consider Medication):
Sometimes diet, exercise and stress reduction just aren't enough to get cholesterol into the safe zone. In terms of medication, physicians prescribe statins, which are able to control an enzyme in the body that is responsible for the manufacture of lipids, also known as fats. This control process reduces the body's production of cholesterol. Know that possible side effects of statins include muscle pains and elevation of liver function. Consult your physician to see if medication is right for you.
Click here to get more tips on how to prevent high cholesterol.
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
High cholesterol
Cholesterol is a type of fat called a lipid. The body uses it for many things, such as making new cells. Your liver makes the cholesterol that your body needs. You also get cholesterol from the foods you eat.
Your body needs some cholesterol. But if you have too much, it starts to build up in your arteries. (Arteries are the blood vessels that carry blood away from the heart.) This is called hardening of the arteries, or atherosclerosis.It is usually a slow process that gets worse as you get older.
To understand what happens, think about how a clog forms in the pipe under a kitchen sink. Like the buildup of grease in the pipe, the buildup of cholesterol narrows your arteries and makes it harder for blood to flow through them. It reduces the amount of blood that gets to your body tissues, including your heart. This can lead to serious problems, including heart attack and stroke.
What are the symptoms?
By the time you find out you have it, it may already be clogging your arteries. So it is very important to start treatment even though you may feel fine.
What causes high cholesterol?
* Weight. Being overweight may raise triglycerides and lower “good” HDL.
* Activity level. Not exercising may raise “bad” LDL and lower HDL.
* Overall health. Diseases such as hypothyroidism can raise cholesterol. Smoking may lower HDL.
* Age. Cholesterol starts to rise after age 20. In men, it usually levels off after age 50. In women, it stays fairly low until menopause. After that, cholesterol levels rise to about the same levels as in men.
* Family. Some people inherit a rare disease called a lipid disorder. It can cause very high total cholesterol, very low HDL, and high triglycerides. If you have this problem, you will need to start treatment at a young age.
Monday, July 14, 2008
Fast fact
Saturday, July 12, 2008
Fighting Fatigue
Take a walk: , or get some other form of activity during your lunch break.
Drink water: Dehydration can leave you feeling sluggish.
Choose lunch wisely: High-fat or high-crab meals, or simply too much food, may leave you feeling sleepy afterwards.
Have a snack: Low blood sugar can contribute to a lack of energy and difficulty concentrating.
Thursday, July 10, 2008
The role of diet in growing healthy bones (part 1)
Without the skeleton's support, it's hard to imagine what shape we will take. It accounts for our body's mobility via its attachment to muscles, tendons and ligaments. Equally important is the protection it render to many vital organs.
Besides the familiar calcium, bones also contain other mineral, proteins and vitamins Bones serve as a mineral storage deposit for important nutrients such as potassium, manganese, magnesium, iron and zinc.
In soft tissue of the bone's hollow interior (bone marrow), various blood cells are produced for crucial function- platelets for clotting, red blood cells for distributing oxygen throughout the body, and white blood cells for protection against harmfully foreign substances.
Amazingly, we are born with all the bones we need for entire live approximately 300 in all. Between 13 and 18 years of age our softer bones fuse into bigger one, so that by adulthood the bone count drops to 206.
Calcium in our food (the role of diet in growing healthy bones part 2)
Calcium-rich food include broccoli, non-fat and low-fat product, nuts, seaweed and seeds. While milk is a good source of calcium, many people are lactose intolerant. Their bodies are unable to digest necessary amount of lactose, the predominant sugar in milk.
A study conducted last year by the National University of Singapore indicates that an estimated 70 percent of the world's population suffer from this dietary ailment, with Asians forming the largest group.
It is not easy to obtain the daily requirement of calcium, and even more difficult for people with lactose intolerance as they cannot consume milk.
In case where the amount of calcium from food is not possible or practical it is recommended to take a calcium supplement
Vital vitamin D (the role of diet in growing healthy bones-part 3)
Our body can synthesize vitamin D in the skin through exposure to ultraviolet ray from the sun. Vitamin D is also found in some food such as fish oils, egg yolks and other fortified foods.
Our modern lifestyle plays a part in affecting our body's natural production of vitamin D. Many people make conscious afford to avoid the sun by stying indoors, using umbrellas, wearing log-sleeved attire, and applying sun block. Such sun-avoiding tactics hamper with our body's exposure to the sun and conversion of vitamin D. Those in occupations with minimal exposure to sunlight and women who cover their bodies for religions reasons are also at risk of vitamin D deficiency.
The ability of skin to convert vitamin D to its active form also decreases as we age. This is because the kidneys, which help with this conversation, do not work as well with age.
A calcium formula with additional vitamin D, is therefore a convenient dietary supplement for most people.
Monday, July 7, 2008
Online cancer info
Be spectical
Any claims should be backed by studies in respected medical journals, say Dr. Ted Gansler of the American Cancer Society.
If you read about treatment on one site, see what other sites say. There should be consensus.
Consider the source
Some nonprofit groups, universities and goverment agencies have updates on alternative treatments and clinical trials.
For skin like a peach
Cucumber cleanser
Peel, seed, puree and sieve one-quarter of a small cucumber. Stir two tablespoons of honey into two table-spoons of the juice and add a tablespoon of full-fat milk. Apply to face and neck for 20 minutes, then wash off with bottled water.
Banana anti-ageing face mask
Mash a small banana and stir in teo table spoons of fresh double cream, one tablespoon of honey and one table-spoon of patato flour. Apply for 30 minutes and then rinse off.
Lemon toning mask
Beat one egg white until stiff, then fold in the juice of half a lemon. Apply to the face for 20 minutes, then wash off.
Saturday, July 5, 2008
IPODS disrupt pacemakers
The study of 83 people fitted with pacemakers was conducted by a secondary school student, Jay Thaker, with the help of University of Michigan researchers. "Although the typical pacemaker patient may not be an iPod user, they are often in close contact with grandchildren who are users," say Thaker.
Healthy diet spoils taste for cigarettes
In a study of 209 smokers, 45 percent said that coffee enhanced the taste of cigarettes, while 44 per cent and 11 per cent said alcohol and meat had same effect. Food that spoils the taste were milk, fruit, vegetables and water.
"Smoking is a highly habitual behavior," says Dr. Joe McClernon, director of the university's Tabacco Research Laboratory. "Anything that can worsen the experience can help break the habit."
Your jeans, your heart
Why? The bigger you trousers, the more dangerous belly fat you have and the shorter you are, the greater your risk. The American Heart Association says aim for a waist circumference less than 40 inches for men and 35 for women.
Friday, July 4, 2008
Build those quads
Researchers found that people who had great quadriceps strength had less cartilage lass in the patellofemoral joint, " A stronger quadricep mucle helps keep tracking abnormally with movement." says Dr Shreyasee Amin, Mayo rheumatologist and the study's lead researcher. "Our study result show it;s important to encourage to maintain strong quadriceps muscles."
Relief for restless legs
The exact cause is still unknown, though health issues such as diabetes, iron deficiency and pregnancy, which can affect the peripheral nerves in your feet, may contribute. Some 60% of sufferers who control these other issues find their symptoms lessen, say Kailash Bhatia, professor of neurology at the University of London.
If you only experience it when traveling, Bhatia advises keeping a small face cloth with you and, when needed, dampening it and putting it on your legs. "Or a foot massage can relieve it," he says.
For many sufferers, there is effective medication. It works well, but it can cause drowsiness. Bhatia advises it's most suitable for people who are kept awake at night involuntary leg jerks.
Smaller babies don't mean more heart risk
The study review found only a small association between birth weight and the future risk of heart disease. "We found a 1kg difference- going from 2.5kg to 3.5kg in birth weight- was associated with just a 10-15 percent reduction in the risk of heart disease in later life, "say Dr Rachel Huxley, the study's lead author. "Some report have suggested a kilogram difference carries a 24-4- percent greater risk."
Huxley says effort to increase early fetal growth can change birth weight only by as much as 100g, which translate to just a 1-2 per cent lower risk of heart disease. Risk factors operating in later adult life, such as smoking and obesity, are more important, she say.
Thursday, July 3, 2008
5 easy ways to keep in shape
2- Abdominal crunch. Lie on back-legs bent, feet flat, hands behind ears. Exhale as you curl up slowly. Only lift your shoulders and upper back off the floor. Don't pull on your head or neck. Inhale and slowly uncurl until you are lying back on the floor.
3- Tricep kickback. Kneel on all fours. Hold dumble-bell in hand and bend arm at the elbow (upper arm should stay in line with side of body). Exhale as you straighten your lower arm behind you. Inhale as you bring it back down.
4- Leg press. Stand with feet shoulder-width apart and a dumb-bell in each hand. Inhale as you squat slowly down. Keep your back straight. Don't bend your knees past a 90degree angle. Exhale as you push back up. Don't lock your knees.
5- Lateral raise. Stand with feet shoulder-width apart, arms by sides and a dumb-bell in each hand.Keep elbows slightly bent. Exhale as you raise arms, inhale as you lower them.
Introducing flexercise
How it works: Flexercise is a progressive resistance training programme designed to increase muscle mass and strengthen bones. By stretching the resistance band, you put progressive stress on the various muscle groups and help strengthen your bones. It can be used on all major muscle groups and body parts.
Why it works: Flexercise is effective, safe and convenient. You can feel your muscle tone improve just after one round of workout. The intensity of your workout can be easily varied according to you fitness level. Flexercise is convenient- you only need a resistance band which is small enough to fit into your pocket. It is virtually portable gym which you can use anywhere and anytime.
Exercise your way to stronger bones.
It is scientifically proven that weight bearing exercise (eg. brisk, walking and running), strength training exercise (eg. lifting weights) and resistance training exercise (eg. using a resistance band) can help to strengthen the bones. A study from Texas Woman's University in Denton shows that lifting weights during adolescence can help dealy the onset of osteoporosis in women. A related study from the University of British Columbia shows that lifting weight strengthens the bones of women in their late 60s.
Regular strength and resistance training also help decrease the risk of falls in older persons as their sense of balance, coordination and flexibility are improved. Therefore it is important that all of us adopt an exercise program early in life and incorporate bit strength and resistance training to take care of our bones.
How exercise actually builds strong bones
When we exercise, we put stress on our bone as the muscles, tendons and ligaments push and pull the bones. This stress stimulates the bones to retain calcium and produce higher bone mass, resulting in stronger bones.
Strength and resistance training exercise use gravity and tension to strengthen the body. Walking, running and stair-climbing are weight-bearing exercise that can easily taken up. However, these forms of exercise tend to benefit only he lower body and do little to strengthen the bones at our elbows, wrists, shoulders or upper back.
Using free weight and resistance bands can help to strengthen all our muscles and bones. According to a University of Maryland (Department of Kinesiology) study, such regimens have proven to increase bone density and bone remodeling- the natural process in which old bones are replaced by new ones- middle-aged and older men.
Exercise is an effective and inexpensive way to build strong bones. In addition, the bone-strengthening benefits of exercise calcium intake for a comprehensive bone care program. Each of us needs at least 1000mg of calcium each day. Calcium supplements can readily make up for any shortfalls.
The slice is right
Diets rich in antioxidant may help reduce the risk of cancer, heart disease and various other health problems.
In the experiment, the researchers baked wholegrain dough at temperature ranging from 204 degree celcius to 290 degree celcius and for times of seven to 14 minutes. They found the antioxidant levels increased by much as 60 percent during longer baking times and by as much as 82 percent during higher baking temperatures.
Longer fermentation times for dough also boosted the antioxidant levels by up to 100 percent in some cases, possibly due to reactions induced by yeasts. The results don't mean it's OK to go crazy on the top-pings. Fatty extras like sausage cancel the benefits of the dough.
Slow down and enjoy a slimmer waistline
Researchers at the University of Rhode Island in US have new scientific data to back-up this long-touted theory.
In their study, 30 women were told to eat a huge plate of food as quickly as possible until they felt full, without pausing between bites. On a return visit, they were instructed to take smaller bites, pause often and to chew each mouthful 15 to 20 times.
It seem eating fast and furiously impacted both on meal satisfaction and in kilo-joules. When eating quickly, the women consumed 2705kJ in nine minutes, compare to an average of 2324kJ in about 29 minutes when eating slowly. They also had a greater feeling of satiety.
Spread over three meals a day, the difference will really add up.